Friday, June 8, 2012

But I thought you were a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner....

That is what my inner monologue sounds like. I have most of the answers my patients are seeking, but when it comes to my own kids...they are rarely text book. With my own children, my brain turns to mush, and I become an irrational panicky mom like the rest of them.

Current problem, Caroline's weight and transition to solids. Our little one is gaining weight like a mini-sumo wrestler. She is a 22 lb. six and a half month old. Literally, she gained four pounds in the last two months! I thought Maddox was a big baby. So, I decided that I would check his baby book. He was 18 lbs. 9 ounces at 6 months. Also, he was a pound heavier than Caroline at birth. That means she has literally beat him by 4 pounds over a 6 month period. Our provider, who I fully trust, thinks that I should bottle my creme de la creme milk and send it to children in Africa suffering from famine. It was a great suggestion, but I am just one momma. Additionally, I do not think customs would approve.

So, the consensus was to try and reduce her overall intake or dilute her milk so it was no longer heavy cream in nature.  We thought that giving her a sippy cup of water a day or giving her an ounce or two of water in each bottle would help. FAIL! She was so mad at me after the first time I tried to give her water, she refused a bottle for  a full 24 hours. Oh the joy of girl drama! Truly a woman scorned. She will take a slightly diluted regular bottle, however. The second part of the plan was to increase her intake of solids.

Again, FAIL! This poor princess has had trouble with her belly since day one. We make her baby food so that we know everything that is in it. As well, it saves money. However, she has only been able to tolerate some applesauce and oatmeal. Everything else has made her cry and have poop that smells like straight vinegar. So, looks like this little one is going to be a chunky monkey for awhile longer.

 Could she be any more precious, really?

I wish I had all the answers, but I do not. I am daily discovering more ways that the Lord uses children to not only humble Brian and I but to teach us. We are so dependent on God. No matter how much we know or how successful we are, it only takes a few tears from my daughter and some diarrhea to remember that I am not actually in control at all. It is only by His fill in the blank.

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