Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sitting on the couch

I am sitting here on the couch listening to the rain. Sadly, our zoo trip for the day is going to be canceled due to these severe thunderstorms. I am, also, camped out on the couch to avoid the pain of walking.

My dear lower body is aching thanks to the motivation to start a new work out regimen from my "Aloha state". She chose "Jilliam Michael's 30 Day Shred." Mine got lost in the move. So, I am using the alternative "Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30."

I have been using our eliptical everday since we purchased it in January. So, I had confidence that I would not encounter the same level of torture from Level 1 as my counterpart. Oh how wrong I was. The first workout went really, minus the push-ups (I can not for the life of me do military style push-ups). That day my legs were a little shaky but nothing too extreme. Fast forward to sleeping.

Sleeping and rest would, in theory make you feel better. I, however, only woke to feed Caroline in excruiating discomfort in my lower half. I feel like the tin-man before he was oiled. So, I moved on to Day 2. Starting a workout with sore muscles feels terrible. After a few minutes, I felt fine. I, again, set myself up for speedy recovery. Let's just say this morning now involves me sitting on the couch, typing, and contemplating how much I really want my beloved coffee. If you know me at all, that is crazy talk (I take two thermoses of coffee to work each day).

So, cheers Jillian. My body better be truly ripped in 30 days or it am going to pout for sure. Maybe it would also help if I could get over my current obsession with Key Lime Pie.

P.S. When I went to get the image of the DVD case. People had posted before and after photos. They look promising. Sorry folks, no before or after photos on this blog.

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